
TAU. A project by the class of professor Katharina Grosse

zwei gerahmte Glasscheiben mit aufgetragener gelber und blauer Farbe stehen vor einem VOrhang aus orangene

KIT – Kunst im Tunnel, 2014, Foto: Ivo Faber

Bernhard Adams / Marco Biermann / Domingo Chaves / Sibylle Czichon / Liza Dieckwisch / Paula Förster / Ina Gerken / Julia Gruner / Frozan Hayam / Anica Kehr / Tomas Kleiner / Julius Linnenbrink / Jennifer López Ayala / Lea Peters / Sabine Schmidtpeter / Fridolin Schoch / Nils Sehnert / Ruben Smulczynski / Hannah Stragholz / Palina Vetter / Thomas Wachholz / Noemi Weber / Zorah Wychlacz

The class of Katharina Grosse is working on a collective exhibition concept for KIT. The German exhibition title „TAU“, meaning both „rope“ and „dew“, invites a variety of interpretations, evoking entwinement and transience, interconnectedness and moisture. Within a collective and open process, the students are drawing on their diverse range of interests and viewpoints to create an interconnected series of painting, installations and performance art tailored to the exhibition.

The exhibition is funded by

KIT – Kunst im Tunnel, 2014, Foto: Ivo Faber